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Fenugreek and Arthritis
Author: Dawn Flemming
February 25th, 2018
Categories : Arthritis, Nutrition

Fenugreek has been positively associated in helping with autoimmune inflammatory disorders like arthritis.

By Dawn Flemming

Fenugreek, both as a seed and an herb, is a culinary must in many Eastern diets. Fenugreek is particularly common in Persian cuisine but it is seldom consumed in Western diets.  Fenugreek is an important health component in human diet as it has antioxidant (good against cancer) and anti-inflammatory properties.

The powdered form of Fenugreek has been studied and its positive effects seem to be associated with treating arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. People who suffer from CIDP neuropathy may want to pay attention. The studies have concluded that “petroleum ether extract of fenugreek seeds has significant anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activities which are due to the presence of linolenic and linoleic acids.”

Medical research also shows that Fenugreek contains estrogen-like compounds which have been known to inhibit the inflammation that is seen in autoimmune disorders.

Remember that such herbal remedies are not cures for autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, but they can complement the conventional treatment of these disorders. If you are interested in using Fenugreek to help your arthritis or any other inflammatory disease like CIDP neuropathy, please consult your doctor.

Dawn Flemming is Director of Business Services at Geriatric In-Home Care in Fresno, California.

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