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Eating Hassles and Aging (Updated)
Author: Dawn Flemming
June 9th, 2018
Categories : Aging

Aging comes with its perks, but it also comes with annoying problems. Here are some helpful solutions to these pesky little issues.

By Dawn Flemming

Aging is a universal problem. For some it comes with its benefits, some become calmer and more relaxed, and they grow wiser - and this is what we mean by its perks! However, a common issue that many people face as they grow older is digestion. In this article, I will review some of the three most common digestive problems that people over 60 may face and what we can do about them.


Constipation is a common complaint among people over sixty, especially with the elderly. This is because our metabolism slows as we grow older due to biologically weakness as well as lessened activity. As a result, we become constipated since our stools become drier and harder. To help with constipation, make sure to drink plenty of water, stay active through walking and have an adequate intake of fiber. A good source of fiber for constipation is psyllium husk.

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Weight Gain

As we grow older, our metabolism slows down. Furthermore, we burn less calories as we become less active. As a result, we may gain weight. A good way to increase metabolism is not only to stay active and do light exercises, but also eat healthy foods, particularly greens, grains and drink green tea and lots of water. These nutrients are important in keeping a proper metabolic balance during old age.

Sensitivity to Foods and Drinks

You will find that as you age, you will become more sensitive to items like coffee, alcohol and even spicy foods as your body is less able to tolerate such strong foods and drinks. In terms of alcohol, we do not recommend anyone to drink alcohol. For coffee, those who show sensitivity to it can substitute regular coffee with decaffeinated coffee. As for spicy foods, our only recommendation is to decrease its amounts in foods. Unfortunately, reduction is the only way to deal with such sensitivity.

Before you make any changes in your daily activities and diet, please consult with your doctor.

Dawn Flemming is Director of Business Services at Geriatric In-Home Care in Fresno, California.

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