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Rheumatoid Arthritis and Vitamin C
Author: Dawn Flemming
November 26th, 2017
Categories : Arthritis

People who consume less vitamin C may be three times more at risk at developing rheumatoid arthritis than those who don’t.

By Dawn Flemming

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by an inflammation of the joint linings which results in the decay of the joints. According to a study in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, the intake of high vitamin C doses may protect against certain types of rheumatoid arthritis.

The study involved over 23, 000 people in the United Kingdom. They study kept tract of people’s dietary intake of foods. The study found that people who developed arthritis ate fewer vegetables and fruits than those who did not. Those who ate the least amount of fruits and vegetables had two times the risk of developing arthritis.

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What was particularly significant was how much of a role vitamin C played in this difference. People who consumed the least amount of vitamin C were three times more likely to develop arthritis than those who consumed the highest amount. These interesting effects of vitamin C may come from the following reasons:

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which fights rheumatoid inflammation
  • It helps fight infection and thus fight the inflammation that is caused by infection.

Make sure to consume an adequate amount of vitamin C in your diet. If you wish to go on a high vitamin C diet, please consult with your doctor first.

Dawn Flemming is Director of Business Services at Geriatric In-Home Care in Fresno, California.

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